Call for papers

Special Sessions

Keynote Speakers








Organized by
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
CSCWD International Working Group

Co-Sponsored by
IEEE SMC Society
Yunnan University, China
Zhejiang University Institute of Computing Innovation, China
University of Tech of Compiegne, France
Kunming University, China

General Conference Chair
Adriana Vivacqua

General Conference Co-Chairs
Amy Trappey
Jano de Souza
Marco Borges
Marie-Hélène Abel
Songlin He
Yong Tang

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Weiming Shen
Jean-Paul Barthès
Junzhou Luo
Daniel Schneider
Cheng Xie

Publication Chair
Jinghui Zhang

Special Session Chair
Haibin Zhu

Finance Chair / Treasurer
Kunkun Peng

Local Arrangement Chair
Claudia Motta

International Steering Committee

Jean-Paul Barthès
Junzhou Luo
Weiming Shen

Jinghui Zhang

Pedro Antunes
Marcos Borges
Kuo-Ming Chao
Gang Chen
Jano de Souza
Susan Finger
Giancarlo Fortino
Liang Gao
Ning Gu
Anne James
Peter Kropf
Weidong Li
Xiaoping P. Liu
Xiaozhen Mi
Hugo Paredes
José A. Pino
Yanjun Shi
Amy Trappey
Chunsheng Yang
Yun Yang
Jianming Yong
Qinghua Zheng



    Speaker: Chunsheng Yang, Principal Research Officer at the National Research Council Canada, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

    Title: Be Ready for AI Third Wave!?



    We have witnessed the achievements of AI research and its impact on human life and society over the past few decades. Since its inception at the Dartmouth Conference 1956, AI has gone through several boom and bust cycles. Each bust pushed AI research from one boom to yet another prosperous boom. For example, the most recent bust from 1987 to 1993 led to another AI research boom which has lasted almost 20 years (2000-2019). During the last two decades, many dreams in AI research have become reality. However, today AI development run into many barriers in meeting the expectations of public in the commercialization of AI technologies such as safe-driving, self-abstracting, self-learning, etc. In this talk the speaker will explore where is boundary to impede the AI advancement by reviewing the AI history, and the major achievements from the first and second AI waves. Then speaker will share the vision of next AI wave in order to be ready for AI third wave. We believe in that the AI third wave is coming and will be a much stronger torrent!.

    Biographical Sketch:

    Dr. Chunsheng Yang is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE) and Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (FAAIA). He is a Principal Research Officer at the National Research Council Canada and was a distinguished Professor with Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan). Dr. Yang is an Adjunct Professor with Carleton University (Canada). He is interested in data science, machine learning, hybrid reasoning, intelligent systems, digital twins and Prognostic and Health Management (PHM). He received an Hons. B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from Harbin Engineering University, China, an M.Sc. in computer science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and a Ph.D. from the National Hiroshima University, Japan. He worked with Fujitsu Inc., Japan, as a Senior Engineer and engaged on the development of intelligent traffic management for ATM backbone telecommunication networks. Yang has been the author for 226 technical papers (book chapters) and reporters published in the referred journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Yang is a Program Co-Chair of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2016) and a Program Co-Chair for the 17th International Conference on Industry and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in 2004. He is also a guest editor for the International Journal of Applied Intelligence and the Journal of Clustering Computing. He severs scientific advisor for several instructions such as NSERC, Irish Research Council.