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CSCWD 2014 Final Technical Program

May 21-23, 2014, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Tuesday May 20, 2014

(R106, Engineering Building I)

13:00 – 15:00

Pre-conference Workshop/Tutorial Speech 1 by Professor Jean-Paul Barthès

15:15 – 17:15

Pre-conference Workshop/Tutorial Speech 2 by Professor Weiming Shen

17:15 – 20:00

Registration & Reception

Wednesday May 21, 2014

 (R106, R107, R804 and R901, Engineering Building I)


07:30 – 17:30


08:30 – 09:00

Opening Plenary

09:00 – 10:00

Keynote Speech 1 by Professor Debasish (Deba) Dutta (R107)

10:00 – 10:20

Coffee/Tea Break

10:20 – 12:00

Session A1 (R106)

Session B1 (R107)

Session C1 (R901)

12:00 – 13:00

Lunch (R102, R103 and R104)

13:00 – 15:00

Session A2 (R106)

Session B2 (R107)

Session C2 (R901)

15:00 – 15:20

Coffee/Tea Break

15:20 – 17:20

Session A3 (R106)

Session B3 (R107)

Session C3 (R901)

18:00 – 21:00

IEEE SMC CSCWD TC & CSCWD Steering Committee Meeting (R804)

Thursday May 22, 2014

 (R102, R106, R107, R827 and R901, Engineering Building I)


08:30 – 09:30

Keynote Speech 2 by Professor Chen Chun-Hsien (R107)

09:30 – 10:00

Coffee/Tea Break

10:00 – 12:00

Session A4 (R106)

Session B4 (R107)

Session C4 (R901)

12:00 – 13:00

Lunch (R102, R103 and R104)

13:00 – 15:00

Session A5 (R106)

Session B5 (R107)

Session C5 (R901)

15:00 – 15:20

Coffee/Tea Break

15:20 – 17:20

Session A6 (R106)

Session B6 (R102)

Session C6 (R901)

19:00 – 22:00

Conference Banquet (Special Mini Live Performance)


13:00 – 15:00

Special Invited Sessions D5 (R827): Cloud Services for E-learning in Mechatronic by Prof. Anne James and Prof. Kuo-Ming Chao

15:20 – 17:20

Special Invited Sessions D6 (R107): Special Invited Industrial/Academic Forum on Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing

Friday May 23, 2014  

(R106, R107 and R901, Engineering Building I)


08:30 – 09:30

Keynote Speech 3 by Professor Weijia Jia (R107)

09:30 – 10:00

Coffee/Tea Break

10:00 – 11:40

Session A7 (R106)

Session B7 (R107)

Session C7 (R901)

11:40 – 12:00

Best Paper Awards and Closing Ceremony (R107)

12:00 – 13:00

Lunch (R102, R103 and R104)

13:00 – 17:00

Hsinchu Science Park and Taiwan Pavilion Expo Visit



Saturday May 24, 2014


Pre-arranged Optional Tour (Yi-Lan Traditional Cultural Tour)

06:30 – 07:00

Depart from Hsinchu (National Tsing Hua University)

09:30 – 11:30

Lanyang Museum

12:00 – 13:00

Local Cuisine

13:30 – 15:30

National Center for Traditional Arts Center

16:00 – 17:30

Luodong Forest District Office

18:00 – 19:30

Local Cuisine

 19:30 –

Back to Hsinchu (National Tsing Hua University)


A1: Collaboration Technology Applications in Logistics and Transportation. Chairs: Weidong Li / Yun Yang


Bingli Yan and Qiang Zhou. An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Calculate the Capacity of Bulk Cargo Terminal


Wen-Jing Guo, Wenfeng Li, Ye Zhong and Yunrui Li. A Collaborative Production Model for Products with Components of Different Colors


Yongle He, Weidong Miao, Rong Xie and Yan-Jun Shi. A Tabu Search Algorithm with Variability Cluster Grouping for Muti-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem


Cancan Zhao and Junjiang Qiu. Agent-based Simulation for Order Selection Strategy in Collaboration Process of Supply Chain


André Pinz Borges, Osmar Dordal, Denise M. V. Sato, Fabrício Enembreck, Bráulio Ávila, Edson E. Scalabrin and Richardson Ribeiro. A Multi-Layer Architecture Proposal for Conducting Trains Employing CBR


Rongbin Xu, Xiao Liu, Ying Xie, Futian Wang, Cheng Zhang and Yun Yang. Logistics Scheduling Based on Cloud Business Workflows


Guoqing Jin, Weidong Li, Sheng Wang and Xin Lu. Solution Space Generation for Disassembly Research on Liquid Crystal Displays Televisions


A2: Collaboration Platforms, Software Tools, and Services (I). Chairs: Anne James / Wenan Tan


Fei Mu, Mingxia Wu, Yi Yang, Gang Yang and Deqiang Yin. Structure Optimization and Casting simulation of Engine Trestle Based on CAE Technology


Qiang Lu, Xiang-Yuan Zhu, Li Liu and Shu-Bo Cao. An Effective Demonstration for Group Collaboration Based on Storyline Visualization Technology


Frâncila Neiva, José Maria David, Rita Suzana Maciel, Regina Braga and Fernanda Campos. SISS: Extending Semantic Interoperability to Support Collaborative System Development and Execution


Carlos Eduardo Barbosa, Glauco Trindade, Vanessa Janni Epelbaum, Juliana Gomes Chang, Jonice Oliveira, José A. Rodrigues Nt and Jano Moreira De Souza. Challenges on Designing a Distributed Collaborative UML Editor


Wenhe Li, Tie Bao, Lu Han and Shufen Liu. Evidence-Driven Quality Evaluation Model of Collaboration Software Trustworthiness


Fu-Shiung Hsieh and Jim-Bon Lin. A Multiagent Approach for Collaborative Design of Workflows in Supply Chains


A3: Collaboration Platforms, Software Tools, and Services (II). Chairs: Jean-Paul Barthes / Kenji Sugawara


Gangyan Xu, George Q. Huang, Ji Fang and Xuan Qiu. An Integrated Cloud Platform for Cooperative Smart Asset Management in Urban Flood Control


Carla Pereira, Gustavo Figueiredo, Maria Gilda P. Esteves and Jano M. de Souza. We4Fit: A Game With a Purpose for Behavior Change


Marcio Fuckner, Jean-Paul Barthès and Edson Emílio Scalabrin. Using a Personal Assistant for Exploiting Service Interfaces


Franciele Beal, Gregory Wanderley, Cesar A. Tacla, Milton Ramos and Emerson Paraiso. FOLKUS-SD: Bulding Folksonomies from Source Code in Collaborative Software Development


Jian Wang, Qimin Peng and Xiaohui Hu. A Modeling: Internetware-Based Dynamic Architecture Evolution Applying to SOA


Jianping Shen, Yinsheng Li and Shenglong Mi. An Application Development Environment for Collaborative Training Sand Tables.


A4: Communication Support Systems for Collaborative Work. Chairs: Tomoo Inoue / Dirk Soffker


Gao Feng He. A Novel Active Website Fingerprinting Attack Against Tor Anonymous System


Fabian Nkemneme and Ruizhong Wei. A Multi-Queue Algorithm for DDoS Attacks


Jing Yang, Ziyun Liu, Yue Yang and Jianpei Zhang. A Data Anonymous Method Based on Overlapping Slicing


Jonathan Frez, Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita and Jose A. Pino. Dealing with Incomplete and Uncertain Context Data in Geographic Information Systems


Claude Moulin, Kenji Sugawara, Yuki Kaeri and Shigeru Fujita. Synchronous Interaction for Supporting Remote Multilingual Brainstorming


Katsunori Oyama, Hiroyuki Watanabe and Atsushi Takeuchi. Visualization of Turn-Taking and Mental Workload in Collaborative Working Environment


Dirk Söffker, Olga Muthig and Xingguang Fu. Modeling for Cooperation and Coordination within Structured and Complex Situations Like Unknown Emergency Situations


A5: Technology Management and Data Analysis for Cooperative Work. Chairs: Lin Ma / Chin-Yuan Fan


Cheng-Chin Tsao, Pei-Shu Fan, Chin-Yuan Fan and Pei-Chann Chang. Innovation Values in the Radio Frequency Identification Device Industry


Pei-Shu Fan and Lan-Fang Kao. Computerized Automatic Miniature Unmanned Bird- Exclusion Vehicle


Sheng-San Cheng and Shun-Yi Hsueh. Patenting of China Medical Imaging Market


Sheng-San Cheng and Pei-I Liu. Medical Image -Ultrasonic Image Patent Map


Te-Yi Chan, Chin-Yuan Fan, Yi-Ching Liaw and Cheng-Hsin Chiang. The Practice of Non-Patent References (NPR) Analysis to Evaluate the Impact of Academic Journals


Sheng-San Cheng, Yun-Han Chang and Chung-Min Wu. Patent Map of X-Ray Medical Image -US and Worldwide Patent Analysis


Rong Yin, Min Liu, Feng Zhang and Wei Wu. Multi-Feature Fusion for Image Segmentation Based on Granular Theory


A6: Collaboration Technology Applications in Aerospace, Automotive, and Manufacturing. Chairs: Liang Gao / Xiaoping Li


Xiaodi Pan, Kun Chen and Dingfang Chen. Development of Rapid Prototyping Slicing Software Based on STL Model


Jorge Camba, Manuel Contero and Gustavo Salvador-Herranz. Speak with the Annotator: Promoting Interaction in a Knowledge-Based CAD Environment Built on the Extended Annotation Concept


Junjiang Qiu, Xiaodong Zhang, Cancan Zhao and Yang Hu. A Comparative Simulation on Corrective Maintenance Strategies in Cellular Manufacturing Considering Worker Collaboration


Changqing Liu, Yingguang Li and Weiming Shen. Integration of Process Monitoring and Inspection Based on Agents and Manufacturing Features


Yazhi Li and Xiaoping Li. Hybrid Harmony Search for the Flowline Manufacturing Cell Scheduling Problem


Lei Wu, Minggang He and Yanyan Han. Hypergraph Clustering-Based Cloud Manufacturing Service Management Method


Gongzhuang Peng, Huachao Mao, Minghui Li and Heming Zhang. Multi-Level Knowledge Representation and Retrieval of Complex Product Design Based on BOM


A7: Collaborative E-Commerce and E-Governance. Chairs: Yinsheng Li / Hongbo Sun


Yuanlin Chen, Yi Liu, Yueting Chai and Hongbo Sun. Opportunity Cost Based Constraint Model for Transaction Credit Evaluation


Xiao Sun, Yi Liu, Yueting Chai and Hongbo Sun. A Method for Online Retail Sales Estimation Based on Semantic Features of Web Pages


Hongyang Chu, Yueting Chai, Yi Liu and Hongbo Sun. A Novel E-Invoice Framework Towards Data-Oriented Taxation System


Kuo-Ming Chao, Chen-Fang Tsai and Shin-Li Lu. An intelligent GA-Nonparametric EWMA Sign Chart for Green Chain Management


Zongshui Xiao, Wei He, Ting Li and Lizhen Cui. A Context-Based Collaboration Supported Framework for E-Commerce PaaS Platform


B1: Collaborative Processing of Big Data. Chairs: Weiming Shen / Kuo-Ming Chao


Zhongmei Shu, Yayao Zuo and Yong Tang. TSIR: A Chinese Temporal Semantics Information Retrieval Based on MapReduce


Haoliang Lou, Yunlong Ma, Feng Zhang, Min Liu and Weiming Shen. Data Mining for Privacy Preserving Association Rules Based on Improved MASK Algorithm


Xiaoting Wei, Yunlong Ma, Feng Zhang, Min Liu and Weiming Shen. Incremental FP-Growth Mining Strategy for Dynamic Threshold Value and Database Based on MapReduce


Alden Chang, Jhen-Fu Liao, Pei-Chann Chang, Chin-Hung Teng and Meng-Hui Chen. Application of Artificial Immune Systems Combines Collaborative Filtering in Movie Recommendation System


Yi Jiao, Shaohua Zhang, Yin Li, Yinghui Wang, Baoming Yang and Liwu Wang. An Augmented Map-Reduce Framework for Building Information Modeling Applications


Ray Y. Zhong, George Q. Huang and Qingyun Dai. A Big Data Cleansing Approach for N-Dimensional RFID-Cuboids


Adeniyi Abdul, Rahat Iqbal, Anne James, Michael Odetayo and Nazaraf Shah. NORA: Network Oriented Resource Allocation for Data Intensive Application in Cloud Environment


B2: Data Analysis and Business Intelligence for Collaborative Systems in Service Industry (I). Chairs: Tsui-Yii Shih / Chan Hsiao


Shaoli Bu, Xiaoguang Hong, Zhaohui Peng and Qingzhong Li. Integrating Meta-Path Selection with User-Preference for Top-k Relevant Search in Heterogeneous Information Networks


Amy J.C. Trappey, Charles V. Trappey, Dennis W.T. Dai, Sandy W.C. Chang and Wang-Tsang Lee. The Implementation of Global Logistic Services Using One-stop Logistics Management


Charles V. Trappey, Peter Smith, Shelby Trappey, Jasmine T.C. Tung and Lynn W.L. Chen. Using the Collective Intelligence of Sports Fans to Improve Professional Football League Customer Service


Ying Zhao, Jianpei Zhang, Yue Yang and Jing Yang. A K-Anonymity Clustering Algorithm Based on the Information Entropy


Tsui-Yii Shih and An-Ni Chien. A Study of Branding Experience Plazas: Strategic Marketing View


Chan Hsiao, Yi-Hsuan Lee and Yi-Hsuan Li. The Role of Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Transformational Leadership Promoting Value Co-Creation –A Cross-Level Analysis


B3: Data Analysis and Business Intelligence for Collaborative Systems in Service Industry (II). Chairs: Hsin-Ying Wu / Edson Emílio Scalabrin


Li Pan. Prediction in Signed Heterogeneous Networks


Chun-Hung Yang, Sheue-Ling Hwang and Jan-Li Wang. The Design and Evaluation of an Auditory Navigation System for Blind and Visually Impaired


Hsin-Ying Wu, Kuan-Liang Liu and Charles V. Trappey. Understanding Customers Using Facebook Pages: Data Mining Users Feedback Using Text Analysis


Mingchih Chen, Xufeng Zhao and Toshio Nakagawa. Comparisons of Standby and Parallel Systems for Processing Time


Alberto Ayres Benicio, Ayslan Trevizan Possebom, Bráulio Coelho Ávila, Enembreck Fabrício and Edson Emílio Scalabrin. Multi-Phase Negotiation for Single-Item Bidding


Meng Wang, Zhenhua Duan and Cong Tian. Simulation and Verification of the Virtual Memory Management with MSVL


B4: Cooperative Work and Applications on Engineering Statistics. Chairs: Kuo-Hao Chang / Chien-Wei Wu


Luciana Pereira de Araújo, Carla Berkenbrock and Mauro Mattos. A Systematic Literature Review of Evaluation Methods for Health Collaborative Systems


Yuhui Wang, Amy J.C. Trappey, Benjamin P. Liu and Tsai-Chieh Hsu. Develop an Integrated Patent Quality Matrix for Investigating the Competitive Features among Multiple Competitive Patent Pools


Kuo-Hao Chang and Hou-Kuen Lu. Solving Quantile-based Stochastic Optimization Problems with Modified Stochastic Nelder-Mead Simplex Method


Chien-Wei Wu and Yen-Wen Chen. A New Lot Sentencing Method by Variables Inspection


Kang-Hung Liu and Sheue-Ling Hwang. Systematic Layout Planning in Human-System Interface An Evaluation of Alarm Displays with Spatial Proximity for Accidents Diagnosis of Advanced Nuclear Power Plant


Chao-Lung Yang, Maisyatus S Irfana and Febriliyan Samopa. Cooperative Team Building by Data Clustering with Constraints


Chi-Lung Kuo and Chih-Hsing Chu. Statistical Characterization of Resistivity for Carbon Nanotube Buckypapers Produced by Filtering and Suspension


B5: Collaboration Methods, Mechanisms, and Protocols. Chairs: Ruizhong Wei / Hongming Cai


Fouad Hanna, Lionel Droz-Bartholet and Jean-Christophe Lapayre. Fault Tolerance Management in Collaborative Systems: Performance Comparison of Consensus Algorithms


Tao Gu, Hao Li, Li Zhang and Liang Gao. A Level Set Method for Structural Shape and Topology Optimization Using the Radial Basis Function


Qiang Li, Jean-Paul Barthes and Marie-Hélène Abel. A Framework for Exploiting Collaborative Traces


Qiang Li, Xiaoyan Wang and Shufen Liu. Quantitative Model Verificationin VANET Based on Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata


Dejun Zhang, Fazhi He, Xiantao Cai, Xiaoxia Li and Yiqi Wu. Product Data Exchange of Complex Shape Based on Parametric Curve


Ana Luiza Dallora Moraes, Felipe Fonseca, Maria Gilda P. Esteves, Daniel Schneider and Jano M. de Souza. A Meta-Model for Crowdsourcing Platforms in Data Collection and Participatory Sensing


Shaohua Teng, Jihui Fan, Haibin Zhi, Wei Zhang, Dongning Liu, Xiao Chen and Xiufen Fu. A Cooperative Multi-Classifier Method for Local Area Meteorological Data Mining


B6: Collaboration Technology Applications in Business and Administration. Chairs: Ning Gu / Jianming Yong


Jianming Yong and Susan Finger. Extended Economic Models for Information Systems Balance Theory


Marcio Geovani Jasinski, Carla Diacui Medeiros Berkenbrock and Luis Bernardes. A Case Study of Natura Campus Open Innovation Platform – A Collaborative Systems Overview


Lihong Jiang, Boyi Xu, Cheng Xie and Hongming Cai. A Framework of Emergency Clinical Decision Support System Based on MDA and Resource Model


Shu-Chiang Lin, Satria Fadil Persada and Reny Nadlifatin. A Study of Student Behavior in Accepting the Blackboard Learning System: a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach


Qi Wang, Tun Lu, Xianghua Ding and Ning Gu. Think Twice before Reposting It: Promoting Accountable Behavior on Sina Weibo


Guangyuan Wang, Hua Wang, Xiaohui Tao, Ji Zhang, Xun Yi and Jianming Yong. Positive Influence Dominating Set Games


Chun-Ju Lin. How International Information Influence the Investment of Chinese Services Enterprises in Taiwan


B7: Depth-Sensor Based Product and Service Design. Chairs: Chih-Hsing Chu / Ming-Chuan Chiu


Wei-Ying Cheng, Po-Hsin Huang and Ming-Chuan Chiu. Integrating Physiological and Psychological Techniques to Measure and Improve Usability: an Empirical Study on Kinect Applying of Health Management Sport


Yi-Jie Chang, Po-Hsin Huang and Ming-Chuan Chiu. Service Dissatisfaction Detection and Service Recovery Design with a Case Study of Kinect Health Management Motion Sport Game


Giancarlo Fortino, Antonio Guerrieri, Wilma Russo and Claudio Savaglio. Integration of Agent-Based and Cloud Computing for the Smart Objects-Oriented IoT


C1: Collaboration Technology Applications in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. Chairs: Giancarlo Fortino / Zhenhua Duan


Hao Wu, Jonathan Corney and Michael Grant. Relationship between Quality and Payment in Crowdsourced Design


Tao Wu, Hao Xu, Wenqiang Hu, Yansong Zhao, Ying Peng, Lvjie Chen and Yu Fu. A Parallel Level-Set Based Method for Topology Optimization


Gustavo Salvador-Herranz, Manuel Bañó, Manuel Contero and Jorge Camba. A Collaborative Design Graphical Tool Based on Interactive Spaces and Natural Interfaces: A Case Study on an International Design Project


Nan Jing, Yijun Li and Zhao Wang. A Context-Aware Disaster Response System Using Mobile Software Technologies and Collaborative Filtering Approach


Cristiana Bispo, José David and Rita Maciel. Using a Collaboration Model to Classify Artifacts in Software Product Line for Collaborative Systems


Edson Lucas, Daniel Schneider, Toacy Oliveira and Jano de Souza. Investigating the Collaborative Support in CollabRDL: an Analysis Based on the 3C Model


C2: Collaboration Technology Applications in Social Networks and Entertainment. Chairs: Jose Pino / Vincent Ng


Adam Hou and Yuh-Zong Chu. An Automatic Questionnaire Survey Model Based on the Collective Message over the Internet


Atiao Yang, Yong Tang, Jiangbin Wang and Jieming Chen. Covert Nodes Mining in Social Networks Based on Games Theory


Beiming Sun and Vincent Ng. Analyzing Sentimental Influence of Posts on Social Networks


Meng Wang, Lanfen Lin and Feng Wan. New Word Identification in Social Network Text Based on Time Series Information


C3: Collaborative Virtual Environments. Chairs: Xiaodong Zhang / Fazhi He


Yang Hu, Xiaodong Zhang, Chenjian Gong and Junjiang Qiu. A Simulation-based Study on the Influence of Knowledge Spillover on Mass Collaborative Network


Márcio José Mantau, Carla Diacui Medeiros Berkenbrock and Gian Ricardo Berkenbrock. Visualization and Filtering Awareness Information in Mobile Groupwares: an Action Research Approach


Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro, Geraldo Zimbrão and Jano Moreira De Souza. Collaborative Evolution Process in MDArte: Exchanging Solutions for Information Systems Development among Projects


Chao Liu, Pingyu Jiang and Wei Cao. Manufacturing Capability Match and Evaluation for Outsourcing Decision-Making in One-of-a-kind Production


Satoshi Gondo, Kasumi Tarukawa, Tomoo Inoue and Ken-Ichi Okada. Soccer Tactics Analysis Supporting System Displaying the Player’s Actions in Virtual Space


Weichen Chang. A Study on the Computer Supported Communication Work in Virtual Product Design


Zhilin Xiong, Yanfang Yang, Xiaoqiang Guo, Yun Chen and Jiquan Hu. Design and Simulation of Intelligent Brake System Based on MATLAB and ADAMS


C4: Collaborative Approaches in Healthcare Services and Systems. Chairs: Robert Lu / Wenfeng Li


Pei-Fang Tsai, I-Sheng Chen and Kevin Pothoven. Development of Handheld Healthcare Information System in an Outpatient Physical Therapy Clinic


Chui-Yu Chiu, Po-Chou Shih, I-Ting Kuo and Cheng-Hsin Ke. RFID Reader Network Optimization for Hospital Management


Lin Yang, Yanhong Ge, Wenfeng Li, Wenbi Rao and Weiming Shen. A Home Mobile Healthcare System for Wheelchair Users


Bhuvaneswari Arunachalan, Sara Diamond, Steve Szigeti, Derek Reilly, Fanny Chevalier, Anne Stevenz, Borzu Talaie and Maziar Ghaderi. Designing Portable Solutions to Support Collaborative Workflow in Long-Term Care: A Five Point Strategy


Ta-Ping Lu, Pei-Fang Tsai and Ya-Chen Chu. An Agent-Based Collaborative Model for Orthopedic Outpatient Scheduling


María Aydeé Sánchez Santana, Marie-Laure Betbeder, Jean-Christophe Lapayre and Jaime Carranza Madrigal. COOVADIS: A New Framework for Collaborative Diagnosis Approach of the Vascular System


Luciana Pereira Araújo, Carla Diacui Medeiros Berkenbrock, Mauro Mattos and Eric Boeing. Using Participatory Design in the Construction of a Collaborative System


C5: Collaborative Computing (Clouds, Grids, and Web Services). Chairs: Junzhou Luo / Sergio Ochoa


Ahmad Sholehin Bin Sarib and Haifeng Shen. SORC: Service-Oriented Distributed Revision Control for Collaborative Web Programming


Shaowen Hong, Chengjie Mao, Zhenxiong Yang and Hanjiang Lai. A New Team Recommendation Model with Application in Social Network


Cheng Zheng and Weiming Shen. A Study of Intents Resolving for Service Discovery


Huanhuan Xia, Tun Lu, Bin Shao, Xianghua Ding and Ning Gu. Hermes: On Collaboration across Heterogeneous Collaborative Editing Services in the Cloud


Sergio F. Ochoa, Alvaro Monares and José A. Pino. Modeling the Interaction in Human-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks


Wenan Tan and Yong Sun. Multivariate Quality Control Chart for Monitoring SLA of Workflow Application


Jiyuan Shi, Junzhou Luo, Fang Dong and Jinghui Zhang. A Budget and Deadline Aware Scientific Workflow Resource Provisioning and Scheduling Mechanism for Cloud


C6: Collaboration Theories and Methodologies. Chairs: Kuo-Ming Chao / Yong Tang


Miguel A. Teruel, Elena Navarro, Víctor López-Jaquero, Francisco Montero and Pascual Gonzalez. A Design Pattern for Representing Workspace Awareness


You Song, Yunfeng Luo, Ye Zhang and Li Deng. Version Storage in Collaborative Design System Based on Circular Linked List


Shanshan Wang, Liping Gao, Chunxue Wu and Yicheng Yao. Research on Consistency Maintenance of the Real-Time Image Editing System Based on Bitmap


Chengbang Zhu, Bing Li and Shufen Liu. A Component Quality of Service Modeling Method


Ting-Kuo Peng. A Firing Sequence Based Algorithm for Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing


Shiping Huang, Yong Tang, Feiyi Tang and Jianguo Li. Link Prediction Based on Time-Varied Weight in Co-Authorship Network


Ta-Sheng Lo, Hsiao-Lan Wei and Hsi-Peng Lu. New Service Development Model: A User Experience-Oriented Design


C7: Collaborative Energy Assessment and Management. Chairs: Lin Ma / I-Hsuan Hong


Amy J.C. Trappey, Charles V. Trappey, Danny Y.C Wang, S.J. Li and Jerry J. R. Ou. Evaluating Renewable Energy Policies Using Hybrid Clustering and Analytic Hierarchy Process Modeling


Wheyming Song, Grace Lin and Zih-Yi Wu. Computer-Supported Methodologies to Estimate the Eave-Effect of Building Energy Consumption


Rong Xie, Muting Hao, Liang Guan and Yan-Jun Shi. Study on Unsteady Flow Collaborative Characteristics of Semi-Open Impeller and Diffuser in Centrifugal Compressor


Xian-Chang Guo, Chung-Shou Liao and Chia-Chi Chu. Multi-Objective Power Management on Smart Grid


I-Hsuan Hong and Guillermo Nápoles Rodríguez. Issues Affecting the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): A Review


Yen-Ting Lin, Haoying Sun and Shouqiang Wang. Sustainable Product Design under Resource Scarcity


D5: Special Invited Sessions: Cloud Services for E-Learning in Mechatronic by Prof. Anne James and Prof. Kuo-Ming Chao


D6: Special Invited Industrial / Academic Forumon Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing. Chairs: CK Sung / JY Jeng / James Huang


Ji-Bin Horng
Technical Advances of ITRI 3D Printing Solutions
Industrial Technology Research Institute ITRI South Campus
Additive Manufacturing & Laser Application Center


Jackson Ku
Technical Advances of Renishaw Solutions
Renishaw (Taiwan) Inc.


Rick Hsu
Technical Advances of MicroJet Solutions
Microjet Technology Co., Ltd.


Wei-Nien Su
AM in the Luxury Goods Sector -A Case Study of the Development of Porcelain Products in Taiwan
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


Elsie Chen
SYSCOM Cloud Software Foundry- A Case Study to Adopt Capacity Utilization for Software Development
SYSCOM Computer Engineering Company