
The Seventh International Conference on CSCW in Design

September 25-27, 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Final Program (pdf)  Here

Scope of Conference                          

Design of complex artifacts and systems requires the cooperation of multidisciplinary design teams. The Seventh International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2002) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners involved in different but related domains to confront research results and discuss key problems. The major themes of CSCWD 2002 include the following:

bulletTechniques, methods, and tools for CSCW in design
bulletSocial organization of the CSC process
bulletIntegration of CSCW methods and tools within the work organization
bulletCooperation in virtual enterprises and e-businesses
bulletCSCW in Design and Manufacturing
bulletInteraction between the CSC approach and knowledge reuse as found in knowledge management
bulletIntelligent agents and multi-agent systems
bulletInternet/Web and CSCW in design
bulletApplications and testbeds

Information about the International Working Group on CSCW in Design and previous conferences/workshops can be found at: http://www.cscwid.org/.

Organized by

   Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Co-Sponsored by

 Brazilian Research Council

     Rio de Janeiro State Research Agency

   Rio de Janeiro Section

  Brazilian Computer Society

    Location of Conference

The conference will be held at Plaza Copacabana Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Visit  Embratur - Brazilian Federal Tourism Authority  for Information on Brazil, City of Rio de Janeiro Tourism Authority gives more specific Information on the City.  There is also the Conference official Travel Agency - Blumar, that will be able to arrange Accommodation, Conference Registration and Tours.

For problems or questions regarding this web contact cscwd2002@cos.ufrj.br
Last updated: August, 26, 2002